More Spring and Bunny Ideas…

We had lots of fun learning about Eggs and Bunnies before we left for Spring Break last week.  Here are some pictures:

We had lots of fun sorting and eating these!

We used the sorting worksheet pages from Shannon Martin

If you haven’t checked out Shannon Martin’s blog, Kindergarten Hoppenings you are seriously missing out on a great blog!  See her Spring post to get the Spring Marshmallow Sorting Pages:  Spring Hoppenings Post from Shannon Martin.

We also played Jelly Bean Bingo!

Here is a copy of Jelly Bean Bingo if you are interested:  jelly bean bingo.

I printed out 5 copies of this sheet and I just colored the jelly beans so each card would be different and then laminated the cards.  I cut out the squares to create calling cards.

Okay, so we did complete some other fun activities that didn’t include food :).  We also completed lots of fun bunny activities!

I used some clip art from Scrappin Doodles to make these cute bunnies. I wrote numbers on them and students used the egg erasers to create groups.

I bought the egg erasers at Target, and they were pretty cheap, but if you find them after Easter they will be even cheaper!  Here are some other bunnies that we used during our math stations:

I used egg stickers on the bunnies.  I think that I got these stickers at JoAnn’s last year, and they aren’t anything fancy–just Easter themed stickers.  If you would like to download a blank bunny template click here: Bunny counting.   Here is the worksheet if you are interested:  Bunny counting worksheet.

We also made this adorable bunny for our April math page:

The idea for this bunny came from Kimberly Jordano's site Kinder By Kim

We also made these fun placemats for our Spring Party that we had on Friday:

Here is a copy of the egg that we water colored:  watercolor egg for memory book.   Here is the writing prompt:  My bunny can writing prompt.

Well I hope that all of you have a very happy Easter and enjoy reading this post :)!


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