Handprint Art Books

I’ve seen the hand print calendars that people often do for parent Christmas gifts, but to be honest with you, I found that project to be a little overwhelming.  So–I put my little spin on it and created hand print art books for the year.  I have to say that these are simply adorable! 

Here are some pictures:

August handprint which is a crayon box. Paint the middle of the hand yellow and the outsides green. Paint the fingers various colors. After the paint dries, add the word 'Crayons' to the yellow portion.

September hand print. Paint the palm red, but do not paint the fingers. Next paint the index finger brown for the stem. Use the other index finger to paint green to make a leaf.

October hand print which is a ghost. Paint the entire hand white and then dip the tip of the index finger in black paint to make eyes and a nose.

November hand print which is a turkey. The palm and thumb is painted brown and the fingers are painted various colors to create feathers. I added the other features with Sharpie markers after the paint dried.

December hand print which is Santa. Paint 1/2 of the palm pink and the other half red. Paint the thumb red as well. Paint all other fingers white to make the beard. After you have student stamp this part, then dip their index finger in white paint to make a 'pom-pom' at the end of Santa's hat. I added the facial features with markers after the paint dried.

January hand print which is a penguin. Paint the fingertips and haf of the hand black. Paint the center of the palm white and the thumb and fingers black. I used white reinforcer labels

February art. Paint both hands red and overlap to create a heart.

March handprint art. Paint the top of the palm pink. Next paint the bottom of the palm and thumb green. Paint the fingers orange to be the leprechaun's beard. Iadded the details with markers after the paint dried.

I will add some more photos later as we continue to finish our books before the end of the school year. 

Here are some links with ideas and printables if you decide to do a similar project:

  1. ABC 123 Kindergarten’s Handprint Calendar Page
  2. Katie’s Nesting Spot Handprint Calendar Ideas  this blog post is where I truly got the idea to complete this project!  Here ideas are too cute, and I love the poems that she has with her handprints as well.
  3. Handprint Calendar Printable from Mrs. Bainbridge  this link also has great poems to accompany each monthly handprint.
  4. Handprint and Footprint Art Blog  this entire blog is devoted to these projects.  There are lots of cute ideas!

Feel free to share your ideas too!  I’d love to hear them :).

28 thoughts on “Handprint Art Books

  1. Katie says:

    I’m so glad the calendar I did inspired you to make your own version! It came over very cute and I’m sure will be a great keepsake for the parents. Thanks for the shout out and mention☺

  2. Susan says:

    Thanks for posting the calendar. I love your idea for making it a book, binding it, and not having to worry about printing out all the calendar pages. It’s lovely! (Thanks for ALL your ideas-I love your website/blog, you’ve given me a lot of inspiration.)

  3. Katie says:

    Thank you for sharing your hand print art book. Very cute! Just wondering where you got your cute templates to go along with your children’s hand prints?

    • mrskilburnkiddos says:

      Hi Katie;

      I actually made the templates using various DJ Inkers clip art and cute fonts. Most of the fonts are DJ inkers, but I also use Creating Keepsakes, Lettering Delights and Provo Craft. There are also a ton of free and adorable fonts on the web. I hope that this helps!



  4. Diana says:

    These are cute glued to a large grocery bag. You can do one for each month of school bind the closed end with twine. Then the open ends can have that months school work kept inside like a memory book!

  5. Melanie says:

    Just found this one. I was thinking for older students you could even have them write the poems themselves… and who doesn’t like to get their hands messy!!

    • Denise says:

      I just was searching on handprint art and found this cute idea. I love it. I think i’ll use this next year. Can you tell me how to get the poems to go with it?

  6. grok78 says:

    I just came across this via Pinterest and had to comment. I adore what you’ve done with the book! I usually do a portfolio with my students and hand prints are a part of them. Love the ideas, especially the crayon box! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Lauren says:

    I was wondering where I can find the poems that u used …. It is hard to read some of them…

    I love this ideas can’t wait to do it with my kids

  8. Lauren says:

    I was wondering where I can find the poems that u used …. It is hard to read some of them…

    I love this ideas can’t wait to do it with my kids

  9. Angie Blankinship says:

    Oh! I just came across your web site. I love your art for the infants in my classroom. Please send me more information on the monthly calendar art, so In buy.
    Thank you for posting these beautiful art projects.


  10. Jessica says:

    I am hoping to have my very own classroom (K) next year and would love to do this for the end of the year memory book. Cute way to see how their hands grow throughout the year. I love this idea and thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  11. Ashlee says:

    I would really love to have the poems. It would be great it you would share them with my kindergarten class. Thank you.

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